What is my purpose?, Mark Liebel
Many people, if not most, ponder the question in some form or another, what is my purpose? Why am I here? People seek answers to this question and usually think they find the answer in some form of self-indulgence. Worst yet, is not asking the question in the first place. You will learn the wonderful plan God has for your life and trash the old labels that don’t define the true person you are! Your not an addict, your purpose is not addiction to some form of drug or substance abuse! |
Win the battle of the heart, Mark Liebel
Conquer your demons by guarding your heart. When something is guarded it is usually something of great value. Banks have large vaults with security guards to protect the money. As Americans we are guarded and protected by very extensive armed forces. We watch over our families to do everything we can to assure their health and wellbeing. They are precious to us and worth fighting for. We take the time to protect and watch over the things of this life, no doubt important, but God is reminding us to guard something that is more important than anything else, our hearts. Because out of our hearts, or our feelings, our desires, our affections, will alter and determine the course of our lives! |
The Judgement seat, Scott Brubaker
Learn about the gifts, grace and many wonderful things God has in store for you! We are judged on a daily basis. Sometimes wrongly and sometimes spot on. We can judge ourselves and come down on ourselves. The bottom line and the most important thing is how does God see and judge us? Many see judgement as bad but as we look into the bible see clearly it has a purpose. Discover that purpose and move from bad judgment to judgement that leads to many wonderful things. Our addictions and bad choices do have consequences. But so does our freedom and good choices. Discover the truth and live a life that produces good! |
Fighting to win Pt 1, Bringing all the parts together, Mark Liebel
In this series we will discover how we can fight the battles we face and come out on the winning side. The problem exists is too many of us go into the battle without any plan and don't know what we are up against. In this series we learn how to Fight addictions, hurts and hang ups and discover tools, and ways to come out victorious, as begin to apply what we learn. In part one we will learn more about who we are. How God designed us and how those parts work together for the good. |
Fighting to win, pt 2, Getting ready for battle. Mark Liebel
You are in the biggest fight of your life. You are at war. There is a hostile enemy who does not want you to survive and he isn’t taking prisoners. Your destruction is the only desire. Your pain is his only aim. He wants to take you down and everyone else around you. He lives to torment, Isolate and inflict suffering. He will not stop. He will not give up. He will use everything, everyone, every source, tool, trickery, weapon and strategy to destroy, hurt, and control you. This enemy is fighting to win and will not stop until he gets want he wants. And that my friend may be our very lives. This is war. Game on. You do not stand a chance against this enemy and you will lose, unless you know how to prepare for battle. Winning the battle begins long before the war ever starts. |